Why People Are Protesting Against CAA or CAB?

Hi guys in this article we are talking about why people protesting against CAB or CAA. So in case if you are not aware of CAA or CAB check out this link https://vinaysirsal.blogspot.com/2020/01/what-is-difference-between-caa-and-nrc.html in this article, I explained detailed information about CAA or CAB.

So coming to point there are some points I mentioned below why people protesting against CAB or CAA.

1. Some people say that this act is against the Indian Constitution ie ARTICLE 14 and 15.
Those who don't know ARTICLE 14 and 15 says that the Indian Constitution prohibits 
discrimination of Indians based on religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.

2.People from Assam saying that by implementing this act people from outside will come
 to settle in Assam which threatens their culture.

3. Because of this act, thousands of illegal tourists will become citizens of India.

4. The people of Assam say that this bill is against the Assam accord of 1985.
according to Assam accord those who not able to prove that his Ancestors are belonging in India from 24 March 1971 they are illegal immigrants.

Comment me, if this is informative.

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  1. But you should also highlight other point of view. Article 14 and 15 are for Indian citizens. They are not applicable for immigrants and refugees. Otherwise the article is brilliantly neutral. Great 👍
