What are the CAB or CAA and NRC?

What is the CAB?
The full form of CAB is the citizenship amendment bill.
The cab has been passed from the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha and also got the permission of the President and now it has become a CAA.

What is the CAA?
The full form of CAA is citizenship amendment act. Now  CAA  has become a law, due to which it has been named Act from the bill.

Under the CAB or CAA, the alphanumeric of Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan will be given citizenship in India.

The bill only includes people from Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, Sikh, Zoroastrian and Christian religions and They will be exempted from the rules of obtaining citizenship of India.

The Muslim religion is not included in it because Muslims are not alphanumeric in these three countries.

Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan under CAB or CAA Those who have come to India before 31 December 2014 will be given citizenship of India.

So in this way you know what exactly is a CAB and CAA are.

What is the NRC?

The full form of NRC is National registers of Citizens. Its purpose is to identify and exclude people from outside India.

Currently, it has been implemented in the Assam State of India, in which many people have gone out of hell.

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