Exams in pandemic: Students stand

On July 6th, the new guidelines of UGC were released that by September, final year students should have an exam.
Since then we have seen that there is a protest on social media, trending from #StudentLivesMatter.
why are the students protesting? What are their demands? And what is his solution?
1. why are the students protesting?
Main and obvious reason is corona virus.
No one want to give exams by putting students in his life risky because जान है तो जहान है.
UGC has said that this exam is going to take with safety and health of the students to the right with the right social distance.
lot of students stay away from their college or university, then they do not know how safe it will be.
There are also students that their college through placement has been done But they are not being recruited or their training is not being started just because they do not have a degree.
If the student gets Corona positive while giving exams, then who will take his responsibility?
2.What are their demands?
Majority students want to cancel the exam and promote them.
Some students have a feeling that if they are promoted, then the mark will reduce in their aggregation.
We all know how risky it is to take the exam in this situation, whether it be final year exam or medical exam.
Some people will have a question that if we postpone the exam again? No it is not possible because it will not know how long this Pandemic will last If the exam is also done in the Oct, then when will its result start. One year of students can be wasted.
We feel that every student should have a choice whether to give exams or not. Because of this, those who do not want exams and want exams both will also agree.
It will also not be right to reduce the value of degrees by promoting all students.
Those student who don't want to give exam gave them marks on the basis of viva, practicals, projects and skills.
It is not right to decide marks with the final theory exam.
What has been done of his Already place has stopped due to degree?
There is a solution that people who have already  Placed. If he is given a temporary degree then he can take training in his company.
Whatever decision, the damage is going to happen to the student. But a good decision can reduce the harm done to students.

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