Chinese Apps Banned: Reasons and Impacts

Hello everyone, on 29th June, the Government of India banned 59 Chinese apps and took an ahead step. Why Chinese apps are banned? what is impacting on china? Is there are any advantages for Indian startups?.
I am going to answer all these questions in this article. 
1. Why did the Government of India ban Chinese apps? ‌
A. The first reason is India and China border issue. As You know clashes are running between India and China from a few Months.Global Times released one video regarding china military this shows china not going to take any backstep.
This is a step to bring down their economy to answer China.
B. The second reason is data security. China has data of well speed Indians. So it is possible that China may misuse that data.
Their plan can be failed by banning Chinese apps.
2.What difference will be made by banning?
Now we do some analysis.
If you see the top 100 apps in India of Google Play Store, 17 of them are from China.

In 2018, there are 44 Chinese apps which are ranked in India. Now their number is up to 59.

If you only see Tik tok revenue, it earns 70% of its overall turnover from India only.
Due to the ban of all these Chinese apps, we can promote all Indian apps. Due to this, employment will increase. The economy of India will start to grow.
If you can share some Indian apps with your friends about who will replace the apps of China.
If all the Indians together decide that from today we will use all the apps of India, then there will be a growth in the Indian economy.

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