What Is Flutter And Things You Should Know About It

Hi everyone in this article we are talking about flutter so in case you are not aware. Flutter is a tech designed by Google is recently being launched.
The flutter is an amazing tech and as mentioned on their website.

 Flutter is a mobile SDK meant for high performance and High fidelity mobile apps for IOS and Android using a single codebase. This sounds a little bit Jargon. So let me try to break all of these things for everybody so that everybody can understand. First and foremost we need to talk about what flutter actually and what flutter is not.
A lot of blogs I have read a couple of them are saying that flutter is the Googles reply to facebook react native.
I would disagree on this point not completely but on the little bit that flutter is not at all reply to Google or  Facebook react native is a little bit different than that it doesn't use any of the tech stacks which is most popular on the internet. React native uses HTML CSS and JavaScript not exactly HTML it's JSX.

Why flutter is nowhere like that flutter is base on single code base and the single code base going to produce iOS and Android app now they are not saying that for the single codebase using the popular language like JavaScript or maybe other languages like CPP  Or even Java
They are saying we are coming up with your own language known as a dart.
The biggest selling point of this flutter tech is two things first is their high-performance app and the second one is hot reloading. Hot reloading is an amazing thing which is available in a flutter.
You just save the app and just like you do on the web you just hit refresh and your code gets refreshed.
Let us talk about this Dart what is this dart. That is a programming language that is being used by flutter. It's related to a kind of unknown programming language. For most of the people in fact for me, it was really new. I never heard about the dart and I  just came to know About it through Google. I found it really easy it's not at all hard language. So eventually people are going to learn it pretty comfortable.

so let me know in the comment section what are your thoughts about the flutter.

thank you

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